Thursday, July 16, 2009

Update From Pastor Mark

Hello Everyone!

Sarah and I are greatly enjoying and being blessed by our month long sabbatical.

We started it by sending Conner to Kids Camp and getting away to a retreat location.

During that time I was battling what we thought was a bug bite. When we got back on Friday it got worse. After going to Quick Care and the Doctor, we went to the ER on that Monday night.

I had a staph infection. Thank God for great health care! 3 days in the hospital and we thought we still might make it for our planned vacation to Washington, DC. Divine delay.

Had another week of outpatient antibiotics, which stopped today! Thank you God!

DC will have to happen at another time, just because God says, "Not now" does not mean that He said, "Never."

I learned a bunch while in the hospital and spending 6 hours a day injecting antibiotics. Read it here. Ended up watching FLAG's 10:00 service this past Sunday on my phone at the hospital!

In looking back, there could not have been a better time to have this happen. It is all in God's hands.

Thanks to all of those who visited in the hospital, brought yummy food to our house, mowed our grass, and prayed.

P Mark